Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Park # 1

Sitting in the park.
Centre of attention to the cities eyes.
The tough bark of a tree.
A comfortable but rigid rest to support my back.
My momentarily warm feet from walking sneakers
now feel the chill of the breeze.

The solace star falls down raising temperatures . . .
Nipples alert.
Blended Ice coffee finished.

The upright couple have grown exhausted 
of grooming each other orally.
Jaws lay relaxed.
Lay down.
Calm satisfaction.

Young pre-adolescence give their attention 
to freezing the moments of wildlife.
Movements and Postures .
Squirrel there's no need to be scared.
They don't want your nut.
As much of a prized possession it is.

In French one boy directs,
'allez le droit, tourner à gauche'
' Take the picture now'
Well thats I assume the rest meant.
I was never that good at French.

Another couple oddly walk past.
Same height.
Summer love.
They jostle past .
Shredding up grass.
They continue.
Side by side.
Hip to hip.
Right then left.
How long will it last?

Then my back stiffens.
I arch forward,
supporting myself
with chunky crossed legs.

Thoughts dry.
Goosebumps become raised.
Joggers jog.
Warm perspiration. 

And then a figure. 
Footsteps turn.
The friend is here.

Monday, 7 June 2010


Im going to learn to drive,
steering well away
from negatives and worries
from down falls and anxiety. Inshallah.

Im going to learn
 to be the best me that i can be,
and not let a simple act slip by,
simply because it can
without being undetected,
 unknown of and unheard of.
for it is not chinese whispers
i fear as i used
to once upon a time
but My Al-mighty, Al merciful Creator.

I'm going to learn
to Sail towards goodness
success and righteousness
wholly knowing that i have set myself up
to be strong against
inner weakness
exterior superficial challenges
and the deadly whispers of every turn.

I'm going to learn to walk.
Straight .
In the right path that has been chosen for me .
Not the left
intentionally wobbly path
that we all do
walk on
because we all do
and that makes it fine and okay.
Who ever came up with that rationale.

I'm going to learn
to fly with an obedience
for Allah's will as my wings
The Quran and Hadith's
as my fuel
Good deeds, Xasanaad
as my passengers.

Im going to learn
to learn everyday
as our knowledge
and use of that knowledge
will suffice us for the here and the now,
and the universally undeniably
known Here-after .
