Tuesday, 21 February 2012

A Pure White Rose.

My gardener 
Your touch, unknown 
Innocent meadow frolics was the under-tone.  

The expressions all hidden with play; 
As a child's youth wiped and lead astray.

Commanding whispers ,
now siren .
Angry warning chants from tree tops; 
to a past me ,
A young me .
A bubbly insecure ,
A Lost me . 

The early discovers of this not so intriguing world; 
Astounded and bewildering .
The thoughts were 
New and interesting, 
Yet this disease is frosted over with 
Bonds of trust .
Hangman-tied up with 
Bonds of blood 
Of loyalty.
Vanilla sugar coated with routine.

A life time later and the score is set. 
The seeds of vile infestation have grown, bountiful in their new living form. 
But no living being knows how this once pure white rose now sources; 
From its roots only black poisonous sustenance it seeps .

From its smell the rose is presently temptuoes. 
Its appearance, none can go past .
Its being, wanted by all. 

It is cut and nothing.It is cut deeper. 

And there bleeds black. 
Black clotted blood, 
That drips slow and sad. 

All that is planted is planted pure. 
The poisoning.
The touch. 
Of that harvested seed, 
Is what we have now. 

Now everything makes sense 

Years and years of suppression 
Of denial 
Of ignorance 
'Bless you were only a sprout, 
A child,' child' 

All events and emotions for adults 
To play, lose and win at 
Were all things your should have not seen, 
Should have not heard. 
Should have not felt the touch of .

And now the sadness lies with the lost time 
Of youth.
Lost years of confusion and dis-orientation. 
The lost days of hating at all your species.
Lost hours of self justification. 
Through the wrong means, 
Yes that was wrong.
And that was wrong .
And that one. 

And now this being 
This Flower, 
Is haunted by the lost minutes 
Of flashbacks. 
The lost seconds of hatefully understanding what was. 
And what shouldn't of been 

Now this white rose is enveloped in the pumping toxic blackening poison within. 
This rose's evil filled thorns are waiting to be cut. 
The stem to be racked off 
Dismembered from the contaminated touch; 
and cut from the grips of this suicidal source that life let's live on,
That is blended with the inner death of innocence 
Bleed out the black.
The numbness. 
The ivy being. 
The touch. 

To bleed out everything that stops this 

Pictures from


When we walk in circles empty, 

We walk dying. 

When we drown in our actions and tears, 

we submerge and float helpless. 

When we knock, 

repeatedly knock in to that glass sharded


 hard wall. 

Head forward.

Crashing at full momentum.

Whilst cold clammy palms lay bare

 flat and inflicted on this wall. 

Taking the repelled energy back to the same flesh ripping, 

Skull shattering wall.

Blood dripping from forehead to nose and cheek. 

Pieces of skin, clotted and lucid blood inhaled in with every deep breath when striking 

and stricking injury. 

Again and again.


Lips trembling of pain. 

Salty from tears and those Red 

Red drips . 

Condensation from the two.

Mouth breathing in gusts . 

When we forget to feel, 

that feeling of heart, 

Of keeping whole.

And wanting pure and true. 

We become. 

Only the accustomed pain we revel in 

We enjoy, 

we relishes the high 

The sting,

the burn of euphoria . 

When we slaughter ourselves 

The same way, 


We begin not feel that pain 

The injury,

 of the next approaching stab; 

the shardes of glass and brick and wire that becomes apart of us.

That become us.

When we walk in cycles empty 

We walk dying. 

When we drown in our actions and tears,

We submerge and  float helpless.

When pain becomes us 

And we become pain 

Life becomes torment.

5.16 am Sunday January 2012

Balcony Door.


Birds Chirp.

